Eye clinics – Jeddah

Welcome to Batal Eye Clinics in Jeddah. Our clinics provide the latest and exclusive technologies to provide comprehensive eye care services at the hands of qualified doctors through specialized consulting clinics. At Batal Clinics, we provide comprehensive eye care for patients of all ages. Whether you need an eye test, glasses, contact lenses, treatment of eye disorders, laser vision correction, strabismus treatment in children, or LASIK. Doctors at Batal Specialist Center have expertise in treating eye disorders with various medical and treatment options.

Our doctors use the latest surgical techniques used worldwide, after careful examination and ultrasound imaging that allows us to take a look at the chemical structure of the retina and discover any disorder that may indicate the presence of a specific defect and diagnose conditions at the earliest opportunity.

Early diagnosis is the key to treating a number of eye diseases that do not show symptoms in the early stages
  • By the time symptoms appear, the eye is already damaged, though progression can be slowed with eye drops, therapy or surgery. And some diseases can be noticed during a routine examination, all you need is a medical complex specializing in eye diseases that has medical laboratories equipped with integrated diagnostic units.

We understand that diagnosis, surgery and vision care are the primary uses of ophthalmic devices. To all of our patients, we are committed to providing the latest medical supplies that help us provide the care they deserve and perform eye surgery more accurately, in less time, and with less pain.
We at Batal Medical Complex have medical laboratories equipped with the latest medical supplies and the highest degrees of sterilization, each according to the required types of examinations that reveal information about the patient’s health and whether he suffers from other complaints that may overlap with his current complaint, which helps a lot in diagnosis and treatment.
An eyelid lift tightens the skin and muscles of the eyelids, reduces excess fat, and lifts the eyelid skin to make the eyes appear more open. There are a few types of eyelid surgery available depending on the areas you wish to treat. Patients can choose lower eyelid surgery, upper eyelid surgery, or both.

Upper eyelid surgery uses incisions to remove skin and fat, then a thin stitch is used to bring the skin together to create a crease in the eyelid. During lower eyelid surgery, the ophthalmologist will make incisions in the lower eyelid, then remove excess skin and fat, then sew the skin back together to create a smoother, more lifted appearance.

When you visit an eye clinic in Jeddah, you may be coming for a routine eye examination or because you suffer from a vision problem, and of course, regular eye exams at a specialized and professional ophthalmologist help to identify rare medical conditions in their early stages. By conducting a comprehensive examination, the doctors of the Batal Eye Specialist Center are able to determine the condition affecting your eyes. Our ophthalmologists and ophthalmologists offer a variety of tests and procedures to thoroughly examine your eyes as part of our eye care.
You can also count on our team if you suffer any kind of sudden eye injury. To book an appointment at our Eye Hospital, you only have to call our unified number, book an appointment through our website, or communicate with our social media pages.

The doctors of Al Batal Specialized Complex have taken care of our patients since 2010, and the treatment and care of patients strives and we are committed to it.
Eye examination at the Batal Eye Specialist Complex is carried out through 3 stages. The first: Asking the patient about the problem or symptoms he is complaining about, his medical history, and whether the complaint is recurring or not. The second: looking at the appearance of the eye, as some diseases can know a lot about their diagnosis even before careful examination, such as deviation of the eye, redness of the eye, etc., and the third: careful examination by diagnostic and examination devices. At this stage, we conduct accurate examinations in order to diagnose the defect, including: measuring visual acuity, fundus endoscopy, measuring eye tension, and other accurate tests.
The eye examinations that we conduct for children and adults are accurate and comprehensive, aiming to discover any abnormality before it turns into a major problem, and also aims to clarify the details of the patient himself and the treatment options available so that he can make his decision with full awareness and understanding, whether drug treatment or surgical treatment, and the goal remains. More important than an eye examination is to inform the doctor of the person’s medical history and to understand the complaint accurately.

Specialist eye clinics in Jeddah

Are you looking for an ophthalmologist, pediatric ophthalmologist, ophthalmologist, or ophthalmologist? Whatever your request, you can visit us at our specialized consulting clinics.

Services available at the Batal Eye Clinic are:

Explore the one-day surgery center

The One-Day Surgery Center at Batal Eye Center treats various eye diseases such as cataracts, cataracts, strabismus in children, and vision impairment caused by myopia or hyperopia. And when it comes to an eye injury, the earlier the defect is detected, the easier it will be to treat. This requires scientific and medical experience as well as the latest examination and diagnostic tools and techniques, which we already possess, and this is what made us the first eye hospital in Jeddah, according to the testimony of our clients.
The one-day eye surgeries center of Batal Specialist Complex is the first of its kind in the Middle East.

Advantages of The One-Day Surgery Center

There are many advantages that the patient gets from undergoing one-day surgeries. By saving our patients time, money and effort, we aim to improve their vision in the least disruptive way. Exactly what you’d expect to hear from a team of experts with decades and decades of combined experience! 


Eye clinics in Jeddah

With ophthalmologists with years of experience, and the latest technologies in eye care, Batal Specialist Complex works to ensure a correct vision to become one of the most important eye clinics in Jeddah dedicated to all family members. You will find doctors who specialize in all areas of eye care. You will find a pediatric ophthalmologist, an ophthalmologist, and an ophthalmologist, all of whom hold the highest degrees, each in their respective fields. Here are just a few of the cases of eye diseases that our doctors diagnose and treat:

  • Cataracts
  • Dry Eye
  • Retinopathy
  • Strabismus in children
  • Cataract
  • Farsightedness
  • Nearsightedness
  • Astigmatism

If you think that you suffer from any of these conditions, you can schedule an appointment for an examination at any time.

Diagnostic units and laboratories equipped with the latest medical supplies

Eye exams are very important because many eye diseases have few or no symptoms in the early stages yet are difficult to treat effectively over time, such as damage from glaucoma. Being a medical complex that cares about everything related to eye care obliges us to provide the latest high-quality medical supplies.

  • Fundus imaging device allows our experts to focus on what they do best. 
  • An ophthalmic computed tomography device that minimizes eye movement artifacts.
  • A visual field inspection device that helps in early detection and automatic head and eye position adjustment.
  • Corneal imaging device.

And other modern medical equipment, devices and technologies that help us in the early diagnosis of many diseases of the cornea and provide vital information for our ophthalmologists to make the correct and appropriate decisions before surgery

Integrated diagnostic units and medical equipment

We are committed to providing and using the best pharmaceutical products that lead us to raise the quality of care in our clinics, including diagnostic eye drops and anesthetic drops, in addition to medical supplies in the examination room, specialized surgical tools, antiseptics and sterilizers. We use only the highest quality medical and surgical supplies that help us improve the eye health of our patients along with a range of specialized medical supplies.

Free medical consultations

  • The Corona virus epidemic forced us to reduce going to clinics or any medical complex in order to avoid infection, and although we attach special and intensive importance to periodic sterilization and disinfection in the Batal Specialist Complex, we also provide free medical consultations via the patients service on WhatsApp, and if the case needs a special examination it can be done after That is contacting our doctors online or coming to our mentioned address. We have doctors who specialize in cataracts, glaucoma, corneal diseases, diabetic macular edema, and treatment of strabismus in children.

Our Team

Senior Consultant, Pediatric Surgery and Eye Surgery Fellow of the British Royal Surgical College Fellow of the American Academy of Ophthalmology

Specialization: Strabismus and pediatric eye surgery

Degree: Member of the British Royal College of Surgeons and Member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology

Dr. Ahmad Hassan Batal

Batal Eye Center

 Call us  8001111897

Contact us via Email: info@bataleyecenter.com

Address: 8125 Prince Sultan road, Murjana tower Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

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