Microplus laser

Microplus laser

Eye deviation or strabismus has several degrees when diagnosed, and the condition may change from one degree to another over time. Therefore, the treatment that was appropriate a year ago may not fit now, and this is the task of our doctors at the hero specialist complex, an accurate diagnosis of the degree of vision before determining the appropriate vision correction operation in time, because there are more than one type of treatments and surgeries suitable for this case.

Ophthalmic laser operation Eye

deviation in children may be hereditary and it often appears from birth, and the reason may be the pressure of the eyelids or facial bones on the cornea. It may result from a strong injury, a nervous disorder or convulsions. It should be noted that eye deviation in children causes decreased vision and visual impairment over time unless early detection and diagnosis of appropriate treatment in order to correct vision in order to avoid possible complications, which may reach amblyopia or lazy eye

Symptoms of eye deviation

A person with eye deviation often has his head in an unnatural position to try to maintain the consistency of vision and eyes, for example, he may turn his head or raise it slightly so that he can focus on something. The deviation of the eye has several symptoms that may be similar to the nature of the symptoms of other eye diseases, therefore, an accurate diagnosis is needed before determining the appropriate eye deviation treatment and whether laser eye deviation treatment is the most appropriate for the case. Among such symptoms are: Blurred vision Double vision Difficulty reading small letters Severe eye strain, especially after using a phone or computer for a long time Inability to differentiate colors

Some cases of eye deviation can be treated with glasses or contact lenses, as in cases of minor eye deviation, and some patients may need to use lenses even while sleeping. But some degrees of eye deviation and other eye diseases for which surgical intervention through the operation of vision correction is the most appropriate treatment. The goal of laser vision correction is to correct poor vision and dispense with prescription glasses and contact lenses. Laser eye surgery is a small operation that takes only a few minutes, depending on the degree of correction required, in which we use a laser to correct corneal defects, which makes vision clearer, so that some of our patients were surprised by the speed of their recovery and the speed of dispensing with glasses. One of the advantages of laser eye surgery is also that it does not cause as strong pain as other surgical procedures.

Some types of eye lasers and when treating eyes with a laser, the patient's movement may cause the operation to fail or damage the eye tissues, but if the person moves while using the smaller Microplus laser device, this will not cause damage to the eyes, but it may prolong the treatment time a little. After using the Microplus device, vision will be a little blurry for the rest of the day, and it is normal to feel some minor irritation in the front of the eye for a few hours after the treatment, and our doctors usually prescribe some tear drops to reduce this irritation. By the next day, vision will return to the way it was before the operation and improvement usually occurs after months. But some patients who came to us at the hero eye specialist complex noticed an improvement in vision during a period ranging from days to weeks after the operation.

Glaucoma is a major cause of irreversible blindness worldwide with more than 70 million people suffering and traditional treatment options include topical medications, laser trabeculoplasty, surgical surgeries, glaucoma drainage implants (GDD), annular procedures and GDD is usually reserved and destruction of the ciliary body of refractory or end-stage glaucoma in eyes with poor visual potential.
Microplus is a safe and effective option to reduce pain in the eye, especially with moderate to advanced glaucoma, and can be used in eyes with good visual potential.

Microplus laser

Micro - laser therapy or the Microplus smaller laser device is the ideal option for the treatment of many eye diseases, retinopathy and many eye diseases and the main goal of its use is to maintain the current level of vision and prevent further vision loss, but this does not prevent that it has led to improvement in some of the cases that we treated at the hero specialist complex.

Unlike the traditional laser device, the advantage of the Microplus smaller laser device when used in vision correction and treatment of glaucoma eye deviation is its effectiveness and good results without causing side effects such as burns or damage to the retina, besides it causes less pain compared to traditional laser treatment. It is our first choice when treating some cases in the champion specialized complex of eye diseases because this type of treatment is safe and cheap.

Available tests and treatment methods for diabetic retinopathy with Dr. Ahmed Batal

Information and facts about Microplus

Laser eye surgery is becoming increasingly popular as an intermediate step between medication and conventional glaucoma surgery and the most common type of laser surgery performed for open-angle glaucoma is called argon laser trabeculoplasty (ALT). The goal of surgery is to help drain fluid from the eye, reduce intraocular pressure that can cause damage to the optic nerve and loss of vision. MicroPulse uses repeated low-power laser pulses separated by short rest periods and this “MicroPulse” allows the trabecular network to cool between laser pulses to prevent tissue damage and laser Microplus reduces or eliminates the risks of laser treatment and side effects and can therefore be repeated as needed.

Lasers for the eyes

Laser eye surgery, which some call Lasik surgery, can correct many vision conditions, however, there are risks or possible side effects, and not everyone can perform this procedure.

The eye has an outer layer called the cornea and some people's corneas can undergo changes in their shape, leading to vision problems, such as astigmatism and myopia.

Laser eye surgery is a medical procedure that reshapes this layer and how the cornea is reshaped by laser eye surgery depends on the state of vision that the treatment is aimed at correcting.

Laser eye surgery can fix vision problems, such as myopia and farsightedness and the surgery is quick, and people stay awake throughout the operation.

They are also usually painless-if a person has pain, this usually indicates the presence of complications and the smaller laser device Microplus helps to treat a wide range of deviations of eye gaze.

How do I know which laser device is right for me

Are you suitable for laser eye surgery, and which type of laser eye surgery is best for your case Read on for answers to these questions and more.

Lasik surgery is the procedure that most people think about when they are considering their options for laser eye surgery.

The 15-minute operation does not use any blades and instead, a femtosecond laser is used to reshape the cornea by cutting a small slice of tissue.

Whether you have nearsightedness, farsightedness, or suffer from astigmatism, Lasik can help you get rid of glasses once and for all.

Good candidates for this surgery are people aged 20 to 50 years with a moderate and stable prescription of a corrective lens.

If you are not eligible for Lasik due to thin corneas, LASEK surgery may be a good option for you.

This procedure uses an excimer laser to remove and reshape a thinner layer of the cornea and although the method is slightly different, the results are similar to LASIK.

The relax® SMILE surgery is an updated laser procedure that is great for people who are active or involved in contact sports.

It is a minimally invasive operation and can correct more severe myopia than LASIK, since surgeons do not create a corneal flap created during the operation, you do not have to worry about accidentally tearing it off.

PRESBYOND, also known as laser blended vision, can correct an age-related vision problem.

It is an excellent choice for adults over 45 years old who are not eligible for the above procedures.

The surgeon will improve one of your eyes for Near Vision and the other for far Vision, eliminating the need for reading glasses or binoculars.

Choosing laser eye surgery for your case is not as complicated as it may seem and after you go through your symptoms and compare them with the available procedures, you will be able to have an informed discussion with your eye surgeon and make the right decision.

Ophthalmic laser operation

  1. The laser operation is suitable for 4 out of 5 people and the choice of laser eye surgery can be an alternative to glasses or contact lenses, especially with many complaining of the formation of steam on the glasses while wearing masks and face masks. The first step in the treatment of eye diseases is to find out whether laser vision correction is suitable for your case or not and to find out the type of laser treatment suitable for diagnosis. Through the use of leading technologies in the field of eye diseases, specifically the deviation of the eye, we are pleased that we are able to perform surgeries that have changed the lives of the majority of patients.
MicroPulse laser treatment

MicroPulse laser therapy is a safe and effective solution for the treatment of retinal and glaucoma diseases.this technique uses repeated low-power laser pulses separated by short rest periods. It is sometimes preferred over other treatments because it reduces or eliminates the risks and side effects associated with other laser treatments and another benefit of this treatment is that it can be safely repeated if necessary. MicroPulse laser therapy is usually recommended to control intraocular pressure (after medications can no longer control it) and treat glaucoma however you may need to take glaucoma medications even after this surgery.

What retinal diseases can be treated with laser surgery

Retinal specialists have successfully used thermal laser therapy and MicroPulse to treat retinal rupture and macular edema is commonly observed in diabetic retinopathy and retinal vein occlusion and is also used in retinal vasodilation commonly used in diabetic retinopathy, retinal vein occlusion and retinal artery occlusion. It is also used for choroidal vasodilation, which is usually observed in wet macular degeneration and ocular histoplasmosis syndrome. the doctors at Hero specialist complex provide the best medical expertise and exceptional care to patients.if you need more information about the procedures, you can make an appointment or contact our support team.
Laser vision correction

90% of patients are suitable for laser vision correction, and although some traditional treatments for eye diseases have proven their ability to treat retinopathy, there is a group of studies that have proven evidence that treatment with a smaller laser device/ Microplus improves vision results in addition to that no serious complications have been observed in the eye.

One-day surgery center

The one-day eye surgery center of Batal specialist complex is the first of its kind in the Middle East for its luxury, design, technical and medical equipment. The one-day surgery center is a center that provides the service of performing minor surgeries that do not require complete anesthesia or hypnosis, where the patient can return home the same day without the need to stay in the hospital, and at the same time provide full care to the patient.

Batal Eye Center

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Address: 8125 Prince Sultan road, Murjana tower Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

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